I have a movie-movie-clip-button on the stage. Its name is enterBut. I made another two frames movie whose first frame is empty and second has a text message in it. both frames have stop().
I placed this on the stage where i wanted to display the text message on mouse over of my button i.e enterBut.
then for enterBut I wrote the following code
on (rollOver){
on (rollOut){
the logic is that when user will mouseover the button it will run the enter_MC movie clip and will stop on the second frame with a text message. On rollout it will again play frame 1 which is blank and will stop. so that the text will disappear.
Now when i test the movie on taking the mouse over the button the pointer changes to the hand-icon means AS is working but no text message is displayed nor i get any error.
enter_MC is the instant name of the two frames movie.
can anybody help me please to fix this or any other method to display tool tip?
thank you very much