How to do a ' border onhover ' ?

Hello & Thanks ,
In code below I do a ’ div:hover + p.borderShowTop{ ’
to show a ‘comment’ onhover .
Now I want to do a ’ border onhover ’
to show a ‘comment’ .
Plz, can someone show me how to set that up ?

<!DOCTYPE html>
  background-color: yellow;
  padding: 20px;
  display: none;
  background-color: yellow;
  padding: 20px;
  display: none;
div {
   border-style: solid;
   border-color: green red blue pink;
   border-width: 12px 12px 1px 2px;
div:hover + p.borderShowTop{
  display: block;
<div contenteditable="true">Hover over me! Contenteditable.</div>
<p class="borderShowTop">I will show on hover</p>


Thanks for your help!

Where would you like the border to appear? Around the p element?

I would like the border to appear around:

<div class="item item4" contenteditable="true">


Where in your HTML is that particular div element? Because the easiest way would be to do something like the following:

div.item:hover {
  border-width: 10px;
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I want to create an onhover for the ‘top border’ ,
and a separate hover for the ‘right border’ .
‘top border’ message should say "Click Top-border & hold down left-mouse to Drag ‘div’ .
‘right border’ message should say “Click on Right-border to change DIV size” .
So the important issue here to to be able to ‘click on a border’ (not on the 'div ') , to trigger a response . Something like topBorder:onhover .
I am having trouble with ‘how to code that’ .

Ah! I get it now. Thanks for the clarification. There is no way to make a border clickable. One approach you can use is to have four div elements, one for each edge that mimics a border. I can’t think of another way of making that work :frowning:

That’s sad .
Code below could work , except that it kills the :hover effect . Any idea why?

<!DOCTYPE html>

  background-color: yellow;
  padding: 20px;
  display: none;
  background-color: yellow;
  padding: 20px;
  display: none;
div {
   border-style: solid;
   border-color: green red blue pink;
   border-width: 12px 12px 1px 2px;
div:hover + p.borderShowTop{
  display: block;
<div contenteditable="true">
<img src="RedSquare.png" alt="" onclick="dragDiv()">
Hover over me! Contenteditable.
<img src="GreenSquare.png" alt="" onclick="changeWidthHeight()">
<p class="borderShowTop">I will show on hover</p>
function dragDiv() {
  alert("Start Dragging Dude!");
function changeWidthHeight() {
  alert("Width & Height has been changed!");

The selector you have for the hover specifies that the p element is immediately adjacent to your div element. In your code now, you have the p element as a child of the div. This means you can do this instead:

div:hover p.borderShowTop {
  display: block;

Also, you don’t need to use a separate script element for each function you are adding. You can combine all of your JavaScript code inside just a single script element :slight_smile: