that lighting button effect he uses on the text… i’ve tried doin it using mask’s -n- stuff but i can’t seem to get it to work very well =/, anyone have an idea on how to do it??
that flash of light is a MC that follows the mouse. then its just told to gotoAndPlay when it rolls over a button.
yep, or an onMouseOver
yeh, heheh sorry i dun think i was clear enough. I wanna know how to make the flash of light… just like a linear gradient type of thing or ???
Ya know i remember seeing a tute on that here somewhere. If not here flashkit…
hmmm i think i got it worked out…i just made a graphic in fireworks that kinna looks like that and put it on the rollover ;p… dunno if that’s how he did it, but it works =D
xdudes site is kind old, so it was most likely imported graphics.
I THINK, not 100% sure that his site is Flash 4. It first came out in like 1999 and hasn’t been updated since…lol.
He keeps saying he will, but never does.
Nevermind, it is Flash 3 and has been “Under Contruction” since August 1999
I did a google search on xdude and I ended up on some crazy transexual site. Then a bunch of wierd pop-ups came up about dudes with boobs and chix with dix and I was very frightened and disturbed…
*Originally posted by rynoe *
**I did a google search on xdude and I ended up on some crazy transexual site. Then a bunch of wierd pop-ups came up about dudes with boobs and chix with dix and I was very frightened and disturbed… **
yah…that’s site’s old… but i like the lil light button effect so imma use it =D
I did a google search on xdude and I ended up on some crazy transexual site. Then a bunch of wierd pop-ups came up about dudes with boobs and chix with dix and I was very frightened and disturbed…
lmao sure you were… sure you were (we all believe you =D)