How to get lazy clients to give you the data you need for the Website

I have a client that needs a Website (he’s like an doctor’s office manager). He signed the contract about 4 months ago and gave me a nice check for 50% of the total. (I charge 50% at contract sign-up and 50% when I finish the project).

He still hasn’t given me all the data I need to start designing. I don’t start designing unless I have all the content for the Website, no drafts. I have called him. I have met with him about 3 times (wasting time and gas). And he just gives me a little bit of data but there is a whole lot more pending. I have even given him a Website Information Checklist. I have even told him I could spend a day with him gathering all the data. But he says he’ll give me the info.

I just spoke to him yesterday, says he’ll give me the information by next week. I’ve heard that before. :tired:

The contract even says that if all the data hasn’t been submitted 30 days after the contract was signed. Project will stop and there will be no refunds. But I don’t want to sound like I’m threatening him. :fight: I always try my best for my clients to be happy. I’m very tempted to tell him, tactfully, about that part of the contract if he doesn’t give me all the data next week.

I’m sure some of you have gone through the same problem before. What do you do when something like this happens? :hair: