How to get xml thumbnails to open popups

Ive been searching for the answer to this question, which I have a hunch must be an easy one, but Im not finding the solution! Can anyone help?
I’ve set up an xml driven scroll of text items, each item when clicked must open up a new url, but (here´s the part I don´t know how to do) the url needs to open in a popup.

Its a pretty standard scroll, here´s the actionscript:
var item_title:Array = new Array();
var item_url:Array = new Array();
var item_description:Array = new Array();
var total:Number;
var i:Number = 0;
var p:Number = 0;
var item_spacing:Number = 5;
var scrolling_speed:Number = 0.30; // 0.00 to 1.00
var cv:Number = 0;
var cv_old:Number = 0;
var on_drag:Boolean;
var xml:XML = new XML();
item_list_area._visible = false;

xml.onLoad = function()
item_list.fm_item._visible = false;
var nodes = this.firstChild.childNodes;
total = nodes.length;

for( i = 0; i < total; i++)
    item_title* = nodes*.attributes.title;
    item_url* = nodes*.attributes.url;
    item_description* = nodes*.attributes.description;

xml.load( “Prensa.xml” );
xml.ignoreWhite = true;
function create_item_list():Void
for( i = 0; i < total; i++)
var item = item_list.fm_item.duplicateMovieClip(“fm_item”+i, i);
item._y = i * (item_list.fm_item._height + item_spacing);
item.item_title.text = item_title*;
item.item_description.text = item_description*; = i;

    item.item_button.onRelease = function()

function scroller():Void
scroller_mc._y = scrollable_area_mc._y;
item_list._y = item_list_area._y;
sr = item_list_area._height/item_list._height;
scroller_mc._height = scrollable_area_mc._height * sr;
sd = scrollable_area_mc._height - scroller_mc._height;
cd = item_list._height - item_list_area._height;
cr = cd / sd;

if( item_list._height &lt;= item_list_area._height )
    scroller_mc._visible = scrollable_area_mc._visible = false;
    scroller_mc._visible = scrollable_area_mc._visible = true;
scroller_mc.onPress = function()
    this.startDrag(false, this._x, scrollable_area_mc._y, this._x, 
                   scrollable_area_mc._y + scrollable_area_mc._height - this._height);
    on_drag = true;
    this.onEnterFrame = function()
        new_y = item_list_area._y + scrollable_area_mc._y*cr - this._y*cr;
        cv = (new_y - item_list._y) * scrolling_speed;
        item_list._y += cv;
        if( on_drag == false && cv_old == cv )
            delete this.onEnterFrame;
        cv_old = cv;
scroller_mc.onRelease = scroller_mc.onReleaseOutside = function()
    on_drag = false;


The xml is set up like this:
<item title=“Headline” url=“http://www.websiteaddress.html _blank”
description=“A few words about the article” />
