Popups (flash cs3)

Ive been searching for the answer to this question, which I have a hunch must be an easy one, but Im not finding the solution! Can anyone here help? I posted in the flash cs3 forum but no replies…
I’ve set up an xml driven scroll of text items with photo thumbnails, each item when clicked must open up a new url, but (here´s the part I don´t know how to do) the url needs to open in a popup.

Its a pretty standard scroll, here´s the actionscript:
var item_title:Array = new Array();
var item_url:Array = new Array();
var item_description:Array = new Array();
var total:Number;
var i:Number = 0;
var p:Number = 0;
var item_spacing:Number = 5;
var scrolling_speed:Number = 0.30; // 0.00 to 1.00
var cv:Number = 0;
var cv_old:Number = 0;
var on_drag:Boolean;
var xml:XML = new XML();
item_list_area._visible = false;

xml.onLoad = function()
item_list.fm_item._visible = false;
var nodes = this.firstChild.childNodes;
total = nodes.length;

for( i = 0; i < total; i++)
item_title* = nodes*.attributes.title;
item_url* = nodes*.attributes.url;
item_description* = nodes*.attributes.description;
xml.load( “Prensa.xml” );
xml.ignoreWhite = true;
function create_item_list():Void
for( i = 0; i < total; i++)
var item = item_list.fm_item.duplicateMovieClip(“fm_item”+i, i);
item._y = i * (item_list.fm_item._height + item_spacing);
item.item_title.text = item_title*;
item.item_description.text = item_description*;
item.no = i;

item.item_button.onRelease = function()
function scroller():Void
scroller_mc._y = scrollable_area_mc._y;
item_list._y = item_list_area._y;
sr = item_list_area._height/item_list._height;
scroller_mc._height = scrollable_area_mc._height * sr;
sd = scrollable_area_mc._height - scroller_mc._height;
cd = item_list._height - item_list_area._height;
cr = cd / sd;

if( item_list._height <= item_list_area._height )
scroller_mc._visible = scrollable_area_mc._visible = false;
scroller_mc._visible = scrollable_area_mc._visible = true;
scroller_mc.onPress = function()
this.startDrag(false, this._x, scrollable_area_mc._y, this._x,
scrollable_area_mc._y + scrollable_area_mc._height - this._height);
on_drag = true;
this.onEnterFrame = function()
new_y = item_list_area._y + scrollable_area_mc._ycr - this._ycr;
cv = (new_y - item_list._y) * scrolling_speed;
item_list._y += cv;
if( on_drag == false && cv_old == cv )
delete this.onEnterFrame;
cv_old = cv;
scroller_mc.onRelease = scroller_mc.onReleaseOutside = function()
on_drag = false;

The xml is set up like this:
<item title=“Headline” url=“http://www.websiteaddress.html _blank”
description=“A few words about the article” />
