How to import 3D models from 3D programs into Flash, and draw views to BitmapData?

Hi everyone!

This is somewhat of an unusual topic, but hopefully you guys will have a reply that will allow me to go on.

I am working on a 2D game following an unusual workflow that is very much 3D based. The workflow is 3D based but the game is flat! This is very important: Graphics are flat images.

Here’s the general question. I need a Flash library that loads and is able to deal with 3D models, orient them and convert them in various ways to 2D BitmapDatas. Do you know anything that can do this?

To elaborate, I was thinking of the best possible workflows for myself and artists’ needs and there is one that I would really enjoy but need serious help to break through. Here it is:

  • Import a textured 3D model from 3DS Max or other similar tools, into Flash

  • At runtime, orient the model the way I want and draw it to BitmapData as a flat 2D colored image. This image is what is supposed to be displayed ultimately.

  • Ideally there shouldn’t be a need to display the model at all; just like you can draw MovieClips into BitmapDatas without adding them to the display list. The 3D model is non existent to the user, it’s only a workflow convenience for developers, it’s a data holder as well as a means to reduce file size.

  • Still at runtime, I have to be able to generate a height map: Basically a BitmapData entirely black with, instead of the real texture, a gradient along the 3D Y axis that would have the same 2D shape as the model under its current orientation (i.e. it overlaps perfectly with the flat 2D colored image we made earlier; let’s call colored images diffuse maps.)

  • Remember it’s along the 3D model’s Y axis: If it’s a character and its orientation makes the model’s shoulder have the lowest Y 3D coordinate while his hips are the highest, the gradient will start from the shoulder. (i.e. it’s not always “feet to head”, depends on the model’s orientation.)

  • Eventually I should be able to create normal maps as well.

I don’t think Papervision3D can do that, though I don’t really know Pv3D at all.

Any ideas? That would help really bad :slight_smile:
If you don’t know but can redirect me to a forum you think can help me, that’s appreciated too :slight_smile: