How to keep stage objects aligned to the side while resizing screen?

I posted this in the Flash MX2004 forum, but I hope I have better luck here.

In that website, how do they keep some of the movieclip items locked on the edge of the screen? When you resize your screen, the items on the edges are the ones that moves correspondingly. And the fillers are near the middle part.

Someone mentioned about adding a listener and act to a onResize command? If anyone got any quick samples they can share, that would be greatly appreciated.



I don’t have any samples for you, but you are correct.

You just make the objects _x = Stage.width on a resize listener

The event to listen for is “Stage.rescale”:


We must be all working from home or at work and hardly working! hahahha. Thank you for those very quick replies. I will try that when I get home.