How to make character move

Hello, I am new to these forums, I am very pleased with the helpful posts you guys do. I have been trying to find tuts to games, because i really want to learn how to use action script myself and eventually make a good game. :yoshi: Anywho, i was wondering if you know how to create a character walk(north, east, south, and west)
I know you have to make a diff animation for each one, but i dont know how to actually join them all together, and how to make the code work. Thank you-

If you know a good tut, let me know…i have seen some of Marz, and they are really cool, i forgot where your tut of making a char walk is…could you tell me please, thanks:cowboy:

Thanks a lot for the advice!
I saw that book at the store, i don’t have enough money to buy it yet, but i will keep it in mind, thank you

Hey, welcome to the forum, Carnophage. You’re not going to deal me 2 Damage every Upkeep, are you? :wink:
Read all of Marz’s Tuts, and that should point you in the right direction. Just read all the topics under the “Game/AI Programming” forum, and you should be set :beam:

Thanks for the Welcome, I see you have played Magic before:D
Marz tuts have been very helpful, I will continue to read them, thanks