How to make several dragable objects in the gravity tutorial?

Hello all
First all please forgive my poor english.

I’m very new to actionscript, but i have some notions of java programming
on a semester I had couple years ago.

I’m a graphic design student. I’m doing a group homework for my
multimedia class, the task is doing an interactive site in flash.

I have used [COLOR=red]pom’s gravity tutorial[/COLOR] to make the objects of the kitchen
to be affected by [COLOR=red]gravity[/COLOR] and also to be [COLOR=red]draggable[/COLOR].

code for the movie clips is

onClipEvent (load) {
 // gravity is what I called g in the tutorial. The
 // higher g the harder the ball will fall.
 // gravity = 0 can be set, as an experiment, but 
 // it will in fact create a "zero gravity" effect
 // gravity < 0 will create an inverted gravity effect
 gravity = 4 ;
 // This sets the _y position of the floor
 floor = 520 ;
 floorx1 = 70;
 floorx2 = 725 ;
 // Bounce is a number < 1 but close to 1
 // The closer to 1, the higher the ball will bounce 
 bounce = 0.6;
 // We set the speed of the ball when it is released.
 speedx = 0 ;
 speedy = 0 ;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
 if (pressing) { 
 // if we are pressing
  // drag the object
  startDrag (_root.bol,true) ;
  // calculate the speed
  speedx = this._x - x0 ;
  speedy = this._y - y0 ;
  // set a new reference point
  x0 = this._x ;
  y0 = this._y ;
 else {
  stopDrag () ; 
 // We calculate the increase of speed
 // speedx doesn't change
 speedy = speedy + gravity ;
 //We move the ball
 this._x += speedx/5 ;
 this._y += speedy/5 ;
 if (this._y > floor) {
  this._y = floor ;
  speedy *= -bounce ;
 if (this._x < floorx1) {
  this._x = floorx1 ;
  speedx *= -bounce ;
 if (this._x > floorx2) {
  this._x = floorx2 ;
  speedx *= -bounce ;

and the button inside the movie clip is

on (press) {
 pressing = 1 ;
on (release) {
 pressing = 0 ;

I copied the code to the main character of this frame, the “BOWL”
movie clip. then added the code to the “EGGS” movie clip, and changed
all the variable names of the gravity code inside eggs. even on the
button inside eggs, say “pressing 1” instead of “pressing”.

When I call the recipe frame, both eggs and bowl fall to the table,
but I can’t drag the bowl, [COLOR=red]only the eggs movie clip is dragable[/COLOR].

Bowl and eggs are on different layers. If I move eggs layer under bowl
layer, I can now drag drag eggs, but can’t drag bowl.

I think there is a much simpler and shorter way to do this, like writing
all thecode in the first layer, and write the gravity as a function, then
apply the code to the movie clips with period notation, but i don’t know
how to do it.

I have a “spoon” button in a layer under eggs, that i want to drag
with On(press) , but spoon doesn’t move.

I think the problem is in the OnclipEvent (enterframe) and StartDrag
and stopDrag functions. maybe a problem of mouse listener.

any help ? how can i make all the objects to be dragable and keep
being affected by gravity after release ?

and it looks like this

The pretty, flat, bad perspective graphics, the girls drew them :slight_smile: and we were in a rush.

thanks for your time!