How to re-order columns in XMLConnector->DataSet->DataGrid?


In Flash MX Pro 2004, I’ve got an XMLConnector reading from a file.

The XMLConnector is bound to a DataSet, which is bound to a DataGrid.

The DataGrid displays the data correctly.

My problem is that the columns are in the wrong order.

I’ve tried setting the DataGrid formatter to “Rearrange Fields” and the formatter options to a whole bunch of different things, but nothing seems to work.

Whatever I put in the formatter options, the DataGrid is blank.

If I don’t try to rearrange the columns, the DataGrid fills correctly. If I do try to rearrange the columns, the DataGrid is blank.

What’s the correct way to make this happen?

Please be specific. I’ve tried entering strings which attempt to map the names in the schema to the column names I want, but it doesn’t work.

I guess this brings up my second question, which is: how do I change the column names?

Thanks very much in advance,

Adam Leffert