XML as DataProvider for DataGrid: Columns Out of Order!

Hi guys.
I Just discovered that when I use an XML-based data provider for data grid, while the (initial) order of rows corresponds to that of elements in the XML, sadly enough, that’s not the case with the columns.
Is this a bug?
My XML has the following structure.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <person name="Bob" age="45" occupation="Engineer"/>
    <person name="Steve" age="30" occupation="Lawyer"/>
    <person name="Ann" age="34" occupation="Teacher"/>

Not only does the column order not correspond to the attribute order
[FONT=Courier New]|name|age|occupation|[/FONT]
but it also appears to shuffle on every run.
To clarify, this is not the Flex data grid component but the Flash one.