How to stop a random motion

Hi there,

I followed one of the random motion tutorials from Kirupa. i have a small word made of 10x10 black squares. When someone clicks the word, all the squares start moving around randomly.

What I want to do now is when someone clicks on a moving square, all the squares move back to a given position (obviously, they stop moving randomly).

Is this possible? This is the code I’m using:

onClipEvent (load) {
	//data you may want to change
	width = 500;
	height = 400;
	speed = Math.round(Math.random()*1)+1;

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
	//x movement
	if (x_new>this._x) {
		sign_x = 1;
	} else {
		sign_x = -1;
	dx = Math.abs(x_new-this._x);
	if ((dx>speed) || (dx<-speed)) {
		this._x += sign_x*speed;
	} else {
		x_new = Math.random()*width;
	//y movement
	if (y_new>this._y) {
		sign_y = 1;
	} else {
		sign_y = -1;
	dy = Math.abs(y_new-this._y);
	if ((dy>speed) || (dy<-speed)) {
		this._y += sign_y*speed;
	} else {
		y_new = Math.random()*height;

I know that I should have it has a function, but I don’t even know how to make this bit of code in a function :tired:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.