Hi there
am really stuck and need any help at all. Am sooo frustrated. Right, am creating an image gallery and loading the images dynamically from a text file into empty movie clips which i am duplicating as needed. Thats ok so far…here’s the code…
if (succes) {
var imageNum = this.imageNum;
offset = 0;
for (i=1; i<=imageNum; i++) {
duplicateMovieClip("holder_mc", "holder_mc"+i, i);
setProperty("holder_mc"+i, _x, offset);
trace("clip just created is "+"holder_mc"+i);
**_root.gallery_mc["holder_mc"+i].onRelease = function(){
//code here to jump down timeline when an image clicked
offset = offset+250;
else {
trace("Error loading data");
The code high-lighted in red is what not is working! I need to be able to click on any of the images that have been loaded into the duplicated holder_mc movieclips…but i just can’t get it to work! Anybody have any idea at all what i have to do??
thanks so much in advance