How to Video Loop in Flash

i had 10 video clips as flv format, i want to sream that videos to website by loop( with out stoping) here i had the code . First i Tried with 3 Video Clips all works fine . but the loop dsnt work . the video stoped in 1’st video clip. and ima not advaced code . i am basic coder. all codes i get it from flash help files

this is my code


my_FLVPlybk.contentPath = “Test-1.flv”;
var listenerObject:Object = new Object();
// listen for complete event; play new FLV
listenerObject.complete = function(eventObject:Object):Void {
if (my_FLVPlybk.contentPath == “Test-1.flv”) {“heroism[1]2.flv”);
listenerObject.complete = function(eventObject:Object):Void {
if (my_FLVPlybk.contentPath == “heroism[1]2.flv”) {“whoops[1].flv”);

// Here i am using else for loop . But I faild\
my_FLVPlybk.contentPath = “Test-1.flv”;



my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener(“complete”, listenerObject);