I’m having a little problem.
I have created small videoes (flvPlayers), with a play and a pause button (from the component menu).
I can’t get these to loop without a glitch when they start over again. And the buttons dont make it easier.
You can see/hear it yourself here http://home.no/per-erik/seq/flash/bass1.swf (NB! turn down your volume, its a bass loop),
This is the code im using now. As you see, its not good enough, the loop have to go smooth.
import fl.video.VideoEvent;
flvPlayer.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, videoFinished);
function videoFinished(event:Event){
I found this thread http://www.kirupa.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-223137.html , but I dont understand how to pull it together.
Anyone who knows about a better solution, or how to integrate one of the codes from the thread above?