How was this done

Hi can anyone explain to me how this text effect was done.

when you click on 1 of the nav buttons the text will change at the botton of the site.
how is this done and are there any tuts on this effect ?

Simply set up an array of sentences, and change your text with an interval:

mySentences = ["bla", "blabla", "blibli"] ;
this.createTextField ("tf", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; // there might too many 0 there...
tf.autoSize = true ;
function fillText () {
    tf.text = mySentences[random (mySentences.length)] ;
} ;
pID = setInterval (fillText, 100) ;

Hi Ilyas le C®eek
thanks for your answer it has helped a lot but … :slight_smile:
this is the code i am using but it’s not working and even if it did im not sure how to change the text or stop the text on the work i want
myString = “This is a string of ActionScript poetry words”;
words = myString.split(" ");

for(var i = 0; i < words.length; i++){
word_mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip(“word” + i, i);
word_mc.createTextField(“word_txt”, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
word_mc.word_txt.autoSize = true;
word_mc.word_txt.border = true;
word_mc.word_txt.background = true;
word_mc.word_txt.text = words*
wx = word_mc._width;
wy = word_mc._height;
word_mc._x = wx;
word_mc._y = wy;