hey guys i was wondering how would your client upload or update their site, once you design their site for them? can anyone explain it to me please…
wait a minute, i have no idea, i have never had any clients!!!
usually you send them all the junk and they do it themselves. If not then they better be paying you to do the setup and IT work for them as well.
My clients usually have me, or another designer, do their updates, as they are completely in awe over this magical box that has pictures and sounds…
It’s kinda like MicroSoft’s theory… Keep 'em coming back…
thanx guys
What I do is either one of two things.
I know enough PHP to make it so that they can do their own updates without ever actually logging in to their control panel. Just by visiting a page they can update their files, and change their links around. I even have instructions printed on the page too. For this I usually charge an extra 75-100 up front.
Or I charge $20 per hour for update work.
Usually the client will go with option #1 because it will save them money in the long run. But sometimes you will find someone that is so in awe over this magical box that they will go with Option #2.
*Originally posted by Jubba *
**What I do is either one of two things.
I know enough PHP to make it so that they can do their own updates without ever actually logging in to their control panel. Just by visiting a page they can update their files, and change their links around. I even have instructions printed on the page too. For this I usually charge an extra 75-100 up front.
man i would love to learn how to do that
*Originally posted by calaway42 *
**man i would love to learn how to do that **
its not as hard as you may think. Depending on the complexity of what it is you need to change… I mean it could be as simple as a 3 lined php script. Start learning some php now!
Also, Like Sen said, it could be as simple as saving information to a text file, or it could made be even more dynamic and you could use mySQL.
That book I bought tought me PHP, literally in two days. I never, ever thought that I would be able to understand how to use PHP to manipulate a database, but it is much easier than I thought and that book broke everythng down for me. I hightly recommend. it.
thanx guys
$75-100 to create a php proggie like that!?
Are you insane?
No offense man, but you are way undercharging.
You should be charging 75-100/hr
There is some sick money to be had out there.
Yeah I know Fester. I do it cheap still because my client pool is still so low.
I dont know how much they charge exactly here (India) But I think its cheaper here … Ppl r underpaid
but i think fester might be right jubba
I totally agree with Fester. I should be charging crazy amounts of money to make these things, but since my client pool is low, and my skills are still extremely limited, I don’t charge that much. Many of the sites I have been making have been for friends, or aquaintances and I give them a break by charging less, because they can’t afford to pay me $75 per hour.
I have not read all the posts but for my clients I try to push stability and independance so I try to talk them into dynamic sites, that can be admin’d thru web forms and excel uploads. I have had alot of success pitching this. Alot of clients appreciate a smart site. Also now that Macromedia released contribute it has made my job very easy and my clients appreciate not have to be chained to maintenance contracts. But dynamic is the way to go for updates.
now where can i find more about this dynamic method?
Well check out the book I posted. You can learn much more about PHP. If you are able to use PHP on your servers and they have a database, you can use the database to make the entire site dynamically updateable by the client.
I am currently working on a site right now, where I am using a database to store everything on the site. News Articles, links, etc… These will be called by a php script and can be edited using different scripts…
My suggestion is learn PHP/mySQL.
Not to knock PHP/mysql
But I have found that ASP/XML are alot easier to learn, more hosts run what is needed, and alot more valueable in the job market. And if you wanna get real fancy learn .net and XML. But if you want a good book for ASP. www.wrox.com has all the great stuff for this. Their books are always red with some dorky lookin guy on the front but they are very good.
I am also working on a site that is full dynamic asp reads and writes xml files that html displays. It is a online magazine…I will actually need a critique in a day or 2 so stay tuned.