HTML Dynamic Text

I’m trying to make a mailto thingy with dynamic text.

  1. The variable for this text is mailtxt. The dynamic text is set so that it cant be selected, it has no border but it does have “Render Text as HTML”

  2. I was playing around with AS and found that I can underline, bold, and italic the text (I found this out like a month ago).The actionscript inserted to the keyframe to underline the text is:

[AS]mailtxt = mailtxt.htmlText = “<u>Mail Me</u>”;[/AS]

  1. The actionscript uses the “set variable” action, and the
    mailtxt.htmlText = "<u>Mail Me</u>" part is an expression.

  2. The problem is, how would I make it so that someone can e-mail me? getURL:mailto:blahblah can be used for buttons…what can I do for actionscripted dynamic text?