Hi folks,
I have no issues with loading text etc. However I am noticing a strange thing happen when parsing in html code.
I have a text file which looks similar to:
§ionCopy=<font size="16">blah blah big text</font>
blah blah blah <b>bolded text</b> more text.
the font size increases where asked to however the bold doesn’t work. instead the contents of the bold tag are not output at all. as if it is working like a trim or similar.
has anyone else come accross this in MX04?
ok, I have got it to work however I don’t think it’s the right way of going about it.
my text field has a name of: varSectionCopy
with ‘sectionCopy’ coming from the text file.
I have AS loading the text file and doing the following:
varSectionCopy.htmlText = this.sectionCopy.split("
The text file had all of the neccessary html tags attributes, all with the correct syntax and nesting. <font><b></b></font> etc…etc…
However, with the ‘render as html’ option turned on for the text field it only renders the <font></font> tag. I needed to then turn on the ‘bold’ option in the properties inspector to get bold working.
I played a little more and ‘italics’ won’t render as html no matter what I do.
I have tried this with over 10 different fonts including all the usual default fonts.
Go figure. I would have thought ‘render as html’ would have been enough to, ahhmm, derr, ‘render as html’.
If anyone else has experienced similar issues and found a cleaner way to deal with it I’d be very interested in your feedback.