HTML is being passed with loadVariables()

HI guys, i’m trying to send out some input form variables top a php script via loadVariables() … and it’s working, but the only problem is that flash also sends out all the html font information along with the form data. so instead of getting something like “Name: Phil” the php script gets:

<TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Hypatia Sans Pro Semibold\" SIZE=\"11\" COLOR=\"#333333\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\">Name: Phil</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>
<p align=\"left\"></p>

is there a way to keep this from happening in flash or do i need to start getting fancy with the php?


When you create your loadVars properties, are you setting it up like:

mylv.name_txt = name_txtInput.htmlText;


Because if you are, it seems like that may be the problem.
it should be
mylv.name_txt = name_txtInput.text;

Also, in your input text field, make sure the “<>” button is not selected in your properties.

actually, this is the only code i have for loadVariables

_root.container.form_stuff.form.loadVariables("email.php", "POST");

all of the rest is set up in the properties window. and i don’t have the “render text as html” button selected either.

is there a better way of sending form variables? I just got this from the “Flash Based Email Form Using PHP” here on the site.