HTML Question!

hi there
i was just wondering if it was possible to leave a message within the source of a website without it being visible on the website itself!! :-\

i have a slight feeling that its possible to do, could someone tell me ?

i would really appreciate it!! :thumb:

thnx in advance !! :slight_smile:

<,!–psuedo text here–>

it dissappeared!

delete the comma

Use the comment tag:

<!-- comments goes here -->

thnx alot “no bone movie” and “claudio” that was really helpful and worked out just fine… i knew it was something like that i just forgot :chinaman:

thnx alot !! :slight_smile:

No problem :wink:

claudio it’s a good job you never sleep!:wink:

I do sleep :stuck_out_tongue:

at the pc while solving problems?:sleep: :thumb:

Random useless info in…5…4…3…2…1 BEEP

Puff Daddy only sleeps 4 hours a night so that he can keep on his business and stay productive.

i usually go to bed around 9am :stuck_out_tongue:

he is scared to sleep incase his teeth grow more:)