Html tags in xml....driving me crazy!

Can somebody help me with this please…its driving me crazy…
I have an xml doc which works beautifully…now I want to edit the “content” so that it display html content, ie…within the text of the “content” I could add bold tags or add a links or something like that…

I have looked up and down and no thread I could find has a straight forward definitive answer…not just on here either…is it that difficult…i doubt it??

I am aware that I will have to set the properties of my text box to accept html…right?

so something like this…

theText.html = true;

THis was my attemp…(the first part)…but no deal…

[COLOR=black]<icon image="shoes.png" tooltip="[/COLOR][[COLOR=black][/COLOR]]([COLOR=black]" [/COLOR][COLOR=red]content="I made this...<![CDATA[<a href="">Google</a>]]>......"/>[/COLOR]
<icon image="barbers.png" tooltip="[](" content="I made this amazing site...."/>
<icon image="resolve.png" tooltip="[](" content="I made this amazing site....."/>
<icon image="cars.png" tooltip="[](" content="I made this amazing site...."/>
<icon image="nata.png" tooltip="[](" content="I made this amazing site.."/>
<icon image="bttg.png" tooltip="[](" content="I made this amazing site......"/>
<icon image="indus.png" tooltip="[](" content="I made this amazing site..."/>
<icon image="munro.png" tooltip="[](" content="I made this amazing site....."/>
<icon image="luciano.png" tooltip="[](" content="I made this amazing site....."/>


SO the first line in red was my attemp…but no cigar…don’t worry bout the tool tips beeing urls…they are not suppose to be links.(just in case that was confusing!)

Simple help would be mucho appreciated…

Cheers guys.

I dont think you can use CDATA in an attribute tag.