HTML text linkage?

I have set up a text box, and I need to set up external links…html links.

Is there a way to link text to an external url…like an href tag or something. Or do i have to make a separate graphic text button for each link and place it over the word in the text box to make it look like a link.


no, use HTML tags in your texts (dynamic!)

I am not sure where to put my code. Everytime i try to write it right in my text block it just appears as code, not as functioning
html. Is there something i have to do to get this option working.

I have a text block, it is scrollable, and dynamic text is selected. The text is not being called from an external file though. Is this still workable?


You have to assign the text to the TextField through its htmlText property.

Has anyone been having trouble getting flash to read html links in a static scrollable text box. I have a text box set up, and i have a link that needs to be externally linked to a url. How can i assign an html link to text within flash.

I try render as html, but it does not recognise it, is there special flash/html code?


There’s no need to start a new thread. :sigh:

Oops sorry, I am new to all these boards, thought maybe someone else might have some input. I guess multiple posts wont help eh?


Anyway, have you tried searching the forum? There are several posts about this. :-\

If you can’t find anything, attach the FLA so I can see what the problem is.
