Huge Computer problem

Ok just to tell you im the Administrator of my Computer.

Ok here it goes.

Whenever my computer starts to slow down or one of my Game or Programs freeze I use the Task manager, But it says Disabled by your administrator well unfortunitaly I am the administartor and I dont disable **** all.

Anyways not only is the Task manager disabled so is my Registry Edit I dont know why.

Not the only problem my Internet is Slowing down, Some pages dont load, and some pages dowt load correctly. Like either some images are missing or whatever.

All these problems direct to

Serevice Pack 2 since I downloaded it Windows Update it asked me to and ever since I downloaded that my COmputer been trouble everywhere.

Shouold I Uninstall?

Sounds like a virus or worm to me. Usually regedit and tm get turned off so you can’t kill the process - also any software firewalls and av usually gets killed as well.

Problems Fixed = Internet Works great without SP2, Along with my Computer’s Performance.

Task manager Still Disabled, Found a program that enables it but when I restart it disables again.

When I enable it O found a program thatis not used by anything( The Virus)

The name of it is _magic2.scr

Now I searched google for info on it but I cant find anything.

Hope you guys can help me.

Sorry about the problem bro… U got antivirus of any kind?

do you know what directory the file is in?

Yes Actually its in the Font Folder.


Since I donwloaded a program Called Seurity Task manager it gave me its location and when I looked for it I coudlent find it. I ad Show hidden Files on to and i stil couldent find it.

go to start
then "run"
type “cmd”

when the black box comes up type this at the prompt: (are you sure its just “font” and not “fonts?”)

“cd c:\windows\font”

when it switches type

“attrib -h-s-r _magic2.scr”

then type

“del _magic2.scr”

see if that works

Thank’s man you always help em with computer problems you bill gates you.

Anyways I was getting ready to do what you told me and it said delete so I decided to look at the Task Manager Program and see if it would delete it for me and well after I put it in it said delete so I did.

Then I went to bed.
So here I am today no problems yet, and I just Bought Diablo2 and my New XBox Headset.

If there is any problems still ill come to you.


No problem, glad to help - anytime :slight_smile: