Couple of questions from a guy that started “playing around” with Flash a couple of weeks ago.
When a movie clip is included at a certain frame in the main movie (for example, frame 5), does the main movie pause at frame 5 while the inserted clip runs? Or is that action synchronous??
I have a small flash movie attached that I ripped from a larger .SWF. It displays a rotating blue cube with the digits 00 on one side. After the digits disappear as the cube rotates to show it’s back side, the 00 is supposed to be incremented to 01 and with each additional 360 degree rotation the number should advance all the way to 99.
It doesn’t work and being so new, I can’t figure out why. I should add that I am very familiar with the OOP paradigm so AS3 doesn’t intimate me a bit. Just gotta get the basics, down.
One thing that would really help, is a tool (movie explorer in CS4 is pretty much worthless as far as I can see) that would give a complete hierarchical tree printout of an entire .SWF that shows the relationships of all elements to all other elements. I have not found such a tool, either internal to CS4, nor from a third party vendor. I could write one myself, but hate to re-invent the wheel, so to speak.