Im currently doing a quiz, which, after the user completes all the questions, displays the users score and depending on that score, a certain message ie
if (score<=2) {
Score_Msg.text =" That was poor!":
} else if (score<=5) {
Score_Msg.text = “You know a bit but not much”;
In the text, i want to include a hyperlink. Is there anyway of making certain parts of dynamically loaded txt into a hyperlink?
welcome sk8tool!
first, the ultimate answering machine here on kirupaforum is a thing called “search”! so please search before posting your question next time - it might already have been answered!
you find the searchfield at the bottom of every forum or in the top (the button “search”).
Hey Kalliban,
Sorry i didnt search first, ill know next time
Unfortunatly, i tried the solution and it didnt work. Im not sure, but i think it only applies when loading from a .txt file. Im loading the text into the text box using the actionscript. I might be being thick and missing something, but it wouldnt work. by removing the Score_msg.text, no text is displayed. NB the HTML tab was enabled