I am but a lowly beginner...php flash mx

I have this guestbook that I am learning to work with.
It resides at:

The avove is the working one.

Below is the one I wish to make work.

To Fix

I want to be able to load it into another movie via loadmovie, into a container.

I can do that, but the text file that it accesses on the left panel to show all the guests that have signed up, does not come up when loaded into another movie.
It works great when I just do it outside of the other movie.

How can I , or where should I look to fix this.?
Any ideas…
And I know, my site sucks, but I am learning and some day will be as good as you guys.

go to your loaded fla…(in this case the guestbook)

search all the actionscript and replace the “_root” with “_parent”, maybe that works…