I got a Flash Guestbook using PHP that works perfectly…
The thing is that I need to load it into another .swf ; but when I do it, the Guestbook doesn’t do anything.
It seems to me that by loading it into another swf, the Guestbook can no longer send or receive data to and from the PHP script.
This is how I’m loading it:
[AS]loadMovieNum(“http://www.prioritysigns.com/AlephWeb/GuestBookALEPH.swf”, 15);
I used the FULL URL path in both Guestbook FLA and PHP script, to prevent such occurrance.
If it where a path problem… I think the GuestBook wouldn’t work alone by itself.
The problem is when I call the Guestbook swf from another swf movie. That’s when it stops working.
Not URLs, paths in your fla/swf!
If you load in the guestbook swf some variables into a level or _root,
and then load this swf into another, these references will change!
Depending on where you load guestbook swf to, level or target…!