I couldn’t get my computer to start. The opening screen shows but then after a few seconds into the boot it just stops - a blank screen.
I hit reset then it then gave me various options to start it - such as safe mode, safe mode with networking, normal configuartion, start with last good configuration.
I tried them all. None work - I cannot boot my PC.
Strating in any of the safe modes it just lists a lot of drivers.files and there location C:/Windows…name.extension but doens’t load.
I figured there was something wrong with the booting - perhaps a corrupted file so decided to try and format or repair.
When I interupt setup from the start it allows me to choose what to boot from - default is harddrive but can choose extrenal device, floppy or CD-Rom. Usually when I format I insert the Windows disc and choose CD-Rom then its easy, no problems.
The problem is when I insert the windows disc it does sort of work, lists drivers on the bottom that it’s loading then says “setup is starting Windows”. The problem is - that’s as far at it gets. Tried it more than once and it get’s stuck there.
So right now, I have a system I can’t boot. I can’t use the windows disc to reinstall or repair Windows either.
It’s running windows xp 32 bit. It has a CD/DVD Rom drive and a floppy disc drive.
I can burn DVDs/CDs on the PC I am writing this from but can’t make floppy discs. I also have some external usb hard drives.
What do think the problem is, what do you suggest I do?
I found a guide for making a disc which boots to DOS. Would there be any advantage / possible way of fixing the problem by booting to DOS? ehow.com/how_5891570_make-dos-boot-cd.html
PS. I bought the PC in question for £50 - it’s actually not bad and has been working fine for 2 years. If I take it to a shop they might charge me £50 or more to fix it!
Any responses much appreciated, I have been posting on Kirupa for many years and have always been impressed by the amount of knowledge people who post here have. Thanks.