I can't load external text from TXT file!


I realy need help! Everytime I try to load text from an external TXT file, I can’t see the text right.

In my language (Portugueses) we use caracters as: ã,ê,õ, and many more…

And when I write, for example:

It appears like this:
(and next to the p, it’s a square)

If I publish my FLA file as Flash Player 5, the text appears normal but I need to publish it as Flash 6 or higher to use other components (ScrollPane, for example) and then, those special caracters are substitued by squares…AGAIN!

How can I use both things (external text and components)?

Thanks to anyone who can help me!

PS-I used this tutorial to load external text:

did you try adding the proper ‘characters’ in your font properties?

~ Lacuna :love:

Yep, I stumbled across this with german letters once.

Make sure you saved your text file in UTF-8 encoding!
(See attachment)

Check out the Macromedia site here http://www.macromedia.com/support/flash/languages.html Also, Actionscript: The Definitive Guide 2 has alot of data on unicode and different ways of supporting characters in flash.

Hi everyone!

My problem was solved! I’ve download a “software”, like NOTEPAD for Windows, that can save txt files in utf-8 mode!

Thanks anyone