I have an external txt file, loading to a dynamic field in flash, well, this is a portuguese site and the text has some characteres like this: ã, á, õ, è, ô, etc…
this characteres doesn´t appear in the exported movie…
can you help with this?
ok… got it
this is the code:
System.useCodePage = true;
Want my advice, save your textfile as unicode instead of using System.useCodePage.
Reason: [link]
this is interesting… how can i save the txt file as unicode?
Running windows XP? You simply can choose the option of saving as unicode at the save window in notepad.
I don’t think you can do that with external textfiles, I thought you could only do that with UTF-8 encoded XML.
I thought you had to encode characters other that the Western alphabet, numbers and spaces with %. For example, spaces are %20 with this method.
If you want to find out the url-encoded value of a letter in a different language, you can use this AS
njs: Try saving any textfile that contains Western alphabet as unicode, and then load it into flash, it will work, and yes the encode thing is another alternative.
Hmm, I just tested it. It works with some accented characters (é, for example) but doesn’t work with the more obscure ones (I tested it with arabic and it just showed ‘?’). It depends really on how safe you want to be. All characters, as long as you have the font, will show if you URL-encode the characters.
That’s another thing to check. Does the font you’re using have the characters you’re trying to display?
i´ve saved the txt file as unicode, and removed the System.useCodePage = true; from the AS pane and all the characteres are displayed perfectly
thnx a lot h88 and njs12345
July 5, 2003, 6:02pm
ok… one more thing
when i publish the swf i can see the txt file, but in the browser the txt doesn´t appear!!! any tip?
July 5, 2003, 9:51pm
groove: Be sure to match the cases of the folders with flash, if that doesn’t work, then try load the absolute path of the textfile.