Ok, i’m not in a good mood right now… if you dont want to listen to this rant… please click back now.
It’s been over 10 years that my parents have been fighting for, and it’s really sad for me, as their child (only child). Ever since i was born, they’ve been fighting, over the tiniest littliest things that you can find in a bug’s stomach. I’m 14 right now, and to me, I have not gotten the slightest idea why my parents even married…
Just today, my mom got a ticket (from improper parking). She went to T&T (some chinese supermarket) and parked there at 9:00am. She came back and got a ticket saying there is no parking before 9:30am. My mom’s a new driver (only been driving for 2 years) and this was her first ticket. I knew this when she told me after she picked me up from summer school (at noon).
When my dad cam home today (about half 2 hours ago), he found out about the ticket also. He’s quite anxious and mad about it, because there was no sign saying no parking, and the price was like 100 dollars. He decides to complain to the parking lot company, and just said (to my mom), “next time, phone me as soon as possible if you get a ticket”. Boom, that’s probably that last thing he’ll say today.
I know that my dad doesn’t mean anything else than what he said, but my mom, who from my experience is 200% sensitive to the heart, took it seriously. She starts yelling, throwing things and saying how “immature” and “insensitive” my dad is. This might sound like i’m favouring my dad, and I am.
Throwing, yelling, and crying have been common (once a week at least) in my family. I thought it was just another one of those cry cry cry the end fights, but i was wrong. My mom didnt stop crying and yelling for about 5 minutes (with my dad not saying anything), and for the first time, she slapps my dad in the face. I was in the same room they were in, and it was just stunning. My dad, being quick tempered, quickly got mad and pushed my mom, while swearing at her stupid behaviours. My mom was in a really jumpy mood (from crying/yelling) and pushed as hard as she could (in my guess) back. My dad hit the table; lamp fell and broke.
Then they started to just fight. Hitting, punching, kicking, yelling, crying, from kitchen to living room, on the ground. I just left without saying anything… probably was the only thing i could do. Now i’m scared, cause my mom is taking about an hour of shower (she usually takes 5 minute ones) and she aint coming out. My dad is just watching TV. I got math homework to do (for summer school), but i just cant calm down from all of this craziness… it’s like this day will never end…
That was it for today. Hopefully i didn’t cause any sezures to you all.
Now that you’ve read my incredibly long story (real story), i thank you, truthfully.
But i ask you to do me a favour: what would you do… if you were me?
I, right now, feel like i wish i was never born. :*( :hurt: