I cut my hair

your hair looks good, pinx :thumb:

Ribcage… “I’ll stir fry you in my wok”…

B-Boys fan eh? Very excellent… note my name: “He goes to sleep by falling down on his face…” :wink:

Oh, Pinx… like the new cut - very nice (always been a fan of short hair: sassy =))


oh my god.

the word of my haircut has gotten all over the office. people have been coming down to the dungeon (basement) to see it.

down to the beach?

oh you said basement…

basement ? dungeon ?

you work in a kinky place pinx. no wonder everybody is having a surge of blood through their… brain at this time =)


anyways, i work in the basement, i’ll take a picture sometime and post it.

:thumb: pinx

*Originally posted by pinx *

anyways, i work in the basement, i’ll take a picture sometime and post it. **

Unless I am getting laid every other half hour then I can’t help it :slight_smile: I am a healthy male… we think about that stuff waaaaaaaaaay to much :wink:

well so do women, but we’re not so obsessed with it. we’re very good at self restraint. you men could learn from us. :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by pinx *
**well so do women, but we’re not so obsessed with it. we’re very good at self restraint. you men could learn from us. :stuck_out_tongue: **

I’m not following…

Perhaps you have a picture of this “self restraint” thing you talk about?


joke, mean no harm btw,


*Originally posted by pinx *
**well so do women, but we’re not so obsessed with it. we’re very good at self restraint. you men could learn from us. :stuck_out_tongue: **

Im quite content being the pig I am.

hold on, i shall go find a picture of a chastity belt.

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**Im quite content being the pig I am. **

yeah, nothing more can be said about you. pig.

Thats funny guys,

but she is right to a point. Women have 10 times more self restraint then men. on the other hand pinx, if it was a picture of a nice looking guys chest, I am sure we would ask to see more too…maybe not 3 pages worth of asking but we would!


::points at rere::

::points over festers shoulder at rere::


see, three pages just shows how desperate men really are!!

but yes, i agree with the hot guy part.

*Originally posted by pinx *
**see, three pages just shows how desperate men really are!!

but yes, i agree with the hot guy part. **

a few men amongst a bunch of boys…

tsk, tsk…



I am the furthest thing from desperaite. I just enjoy discussing those odd lumps that I dont posess.

Fester = Boobman :thumb:

that makes them sound like cancer. “hey baby, nice lumps”

you make me laugh.