haha cool
suits your alias
…thats what i was thinking as well. haha.
haha… nice forehead you got yourself there :hat:
lol the hair looks good.
it washes out tonight. :\
stay away from ballons
haha. i know. i took my shirt off, and my head hurt like a b!tch. its all gone now. my blonde hair is backeth.
why did you dye it?
live life on the edge i expect…
…yes, of course. im a rebel, didnt you hear?
heh cool!
And what’s wrong with dyeing your hair? Mine’s dyed brown at the moment. Has been red before as well…
I’ve just dyed my hair black with Bright red highlights! Dying hair is fun!
[/looks proud]
[COLOR=orange]Orange Olly[/COLOR]
o My hair is just fresh black ! :tb:
Mine’s going blonde again next month.
i hate my hair… so im going to grow it
was blonde for about a year, but i have decided that red looks sexier.
(im not saying you wont make a nice blonde though) :beam:
i am blonde, now.