What up

i’m back from vacation and now i have to go to work. :frowning:

hah hah! (in the nelson stylee)

Welcome back pinx :wink:

Yea, welcome back man. We really missed you.

Welcome back

******. haha

welcome :slight_smile:

Hope you had a great time on vactaion - I hope we get to see some pics!

hold on, i’ll put some up soon.

It’s pinx, my long lost friend, how was, ummmm that place you went that I forgot because I have short term memory loss.

Croatia - search the forums dan :slight_smile:

so how was it? see family? you were gone for a long time! asphalt dan left! he will be back in a forenight like kit said though!


Ive missed you :love:

[SIZE=1]Ive been itching for a good flame war for a month![/SIZE]:trout:


Welcome back

hey mee tooo!!! what shall we argue about!!!

Welcome back, I hope you had a good time. =)
