I did it

there i have ordered my baby. my new dell should be coming next week!!! yay!!!

you know what that means right? i can start working on the k-team!

I did it… do you think I’ve gone too far? I did it… guilty as charged…

Knock knock… who’s there… I DID IT!!!

Dude you’re getting a Dell!!!

(i really hate that guy).

that dude got arrested for possession… i was SOOOOO surprised!!! lol

yeah, i heard about that. i laughed my as$ off!!!

Dude, you’re getting another conviction.

*Originally posted by lavaboy *
**Knock knock… who’s there… I DID IT!!! **

you mit people are always such ****ing smartasses. :stuck_out_tongue:

[size=3]<b>DUDE, you’re getting a CELL!!!</b>[/size]

haha… that’s funny

pinx - do you watch That 70’s show? thats where that knock knock quote was from…

I thought he was arested for buggering little boys.

well he looks like he does anyway.

oh… I know what it was. Apparently the guy (the dude you’re getting a dell guy) is currently one of the most popular pictures posted on gay **** sites. That’s not quite the same as buggering boys… but I suppose it might be interesting to some people.
(don’t ask me where I get my info… I have my sources)

Dave, I really worry about you sometimes. :slight_smile:

And pinx, congratulations on your imminant arrival. (-:

Dont worry for me Argentina… I’ve never left you… I kept my promise.

( I do consulting on design for a site of questionable material. Ok… I admit it. :stuck_out_tongue: )

congrats man - I just hope you dont get one of the millions with faulty hard drives :slight_smile:

Ok now that we have scared you… Dells are good machines and the best thing is they have great Tech support. If you are going to buy a pre-made one, I would suggest a dell over most others. For the price - they cannot be beat (unless you build your own that is)

Have fun!

Who are you talking about exactly?

Must be an american thing… :*(

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**congrats man - I just hope you dont get one of the millions with faulty hard drives :slight_smile:

Ok now that we have scared you… Dells are good machines and the best thing is they have great Tech support. If you are going to buy a pre-made one, I would suggest a dell over most others. For the price - they cannot be beat (unless you build your own that is)

Have fun! **

i know i have used one at work for a while and i really like it.