I got into my first choice University! Bournemouth here I come!** :beam:
I needed to get a B in my module resit (missed it by 5 marks last years… passed it by 2!!) and I did! OMG, SO much relief you can’t imagine! I mean… I only got back from holiday yesterday! I was so worried!
and in other good news, my brother got into uni as well! :beam:
not sure whether this is good or not… but he’s going to bournemouth too! lol!
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**<b>Hugs</b> What did I tell you? :beam:
Well done matey, now I’ll buy you several pints plus lunch. **
lol! thank you! gah, I was so worried that I’d f*cked it up… the exam didn’t actually go that well! :sure: I’m off to do Computer Visualisation and Animation (afaik the best course in Europe for it) and my brother’s going to do Product Design
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!
but no one to celebrate with… everyone’s on holiday! :beam:
might have a ring round and see which of my friends are in the country