I did it!


I got into my first choice University! Bournemouth here I come!** :beam:

I needed to get a B in my module resit (missed it by 5 marks last years… passed it by 2!!) and I did! OMG, SO much relief you can’t imagine! I mean… I only got back from holiday yesterday! I was so worried!

and in other good news, my brother got into uni as well! :beam:
not sure whether this is good or not… but he’s going to bournemouth too! lol!


<b>Hugs</b> What did I tell you? :beam:

Well done matey, now I’ll buy you several pints plus lunch. :slight_smile:

Happy …congratulations!!! :slight_smile:

Congratulations!!! :thumb:

Nice work! :thumb: What are you and your brother studying?

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**<b>Hugs</b> What did I tell you? :beam:

Well done matey, now I’ll buy you several pints plus lunch. :slight_smile: **
lol! thank you! gah, I was so worried that I’d f*cked it up… the exam didn’t actually go that well! :sure: I’m off to do Computer Visualisation and Animation (afaik the best course in Europe for it) and my brother’s going to do Product Design :slight_smile:

Obviously it went better than you thought. :slight_smile:

Well done though, I bet you’re chuffed. :stuck_out_tongue:

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!
but no one to celebrate with… everyone’s on holiday! :beam:
might have a ring round and see which of my friends are in the country :wink:

Since it’s almost lunchtime…

<b>Hands over virtual pint and celebratory pie</b>

Knock yourself out. :slight_smile:

lol… mmMMmm… teh tasty Virtual Pint™ :thumb:

With none of the intoxicating effects of the real thing, and a lot lighter on your pocket to boot. :stuck_out_tongue:

sounds like my kinda drink! :beam:

aww wow… this is soooooo cool… no stress for like… a month or something :wink: (except of course when you drive me to slave labour next week kit ;))

I wouldn’t quite go so far as slave labour you know… :slight_smile:

we shall see…

waits for kit to utter the fateful word… ‘Intranet’

j/k :wink:

I’m holding that one in reserve. :evil:

Fun stuff to start with, the I-word later. :wink:

what’s Bournemouth (I had to copy and paste :))

Good Show! I am glad that you were accepted! =)


Well done Asph! :slight_smile:

passes over a wee dram

Rather fine orchestra Bournemouth has, y’know.

I told you :sure:

ok, fine, don’t tell me.