Wish me luck :)

I’m not going to be around tomorrow because I am going to Binghamton (where I go to school) to look for an apartment. I have 3 lined up so far and we’re going to be down there for a while looking at different places. I hope one of them is good enough because I can’t live on campus again next year. :slight_smile:

So wish me luck!

I’m excited… my first apartment. :slight_smile:


Jubs :cowboy:

GOOD LUCK JUBBA!!! :slight_smile:

I hope you find the kickarse apartment of your dreams! Or at least a habitable one :wink:

Party @ Jubba’s!

let us know what the addy is Jeff!

I’ll bring the Nitrus Tank…



If you’re ever out in Central NY you’re always welcome :slight_smile:

gotta get there one of these days…

top o’ my list of places to visit…


Good luck Jubba!!

If I’m ever in NY then I’ll let you know. :stuck_out_tongue:

good luck jubba. What you majoring in at Binghamton? lemme guess, computer science :trout:.

if only you could major in php…

Good luck :beam:

*Originally posted by NaliWarCowZ *
**good luck jubba. What you majoring in at Binghamton? lemme guess, computer science :trout:. **

Actually, WarNaliCowZ, Jubba is majoring in archaeology. I simply searched for “jubba, major” and the second result confirmed what he told me a long time ago. Not everybody wants to major in CS (CompScience/CounterStrike) like you do nali hehe :evil:

Good luck jubba :slight_smile:

Kirupa :alien:

gl :slight_smile:

Thanks guys. Your wishes came true! I got an awesome apartment. Its in a nice neighborhood, one bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, tons of closets. The rent is pretty good for the area that I am living in too. No parties though, its a quiet area. The parties will be thrown at my friends house :slight_smile:

Thanks again guys!

Oh yeah, and my major is anthropology, with a concentration in archaeology. :slight_smile:


AWESOME!!! Congrats Jubba! You deserve it :slight_smile:

wow! n1 m8! congrats :thumb: :thumb:

[SIZE=2]© electrongeek[/SIZE]

I’ll be taking anthropology next term, I guess I’ll be bugging you for my homework Jubba. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol if you need any help I can try my best to help you :slight_smile: I haven’t been doing too well in my classes tho… Cs all around…

Congrats man!!!
I know where you live now;)
kinda… not really… sorta
but it’s only like an hour or so away… so… I figure if I knock on every door in the Binghamton area… I’ll find you

Congrats jubba.!!!

WHOOHOO! YAY! The biggest thing that’s ever happened on kirupa forums?