I didnt know that SP2 is out

until yesterday my friend who hates computer but working as a chip designer told me to download it :frowning:

[edit]: and I did turn on the automatic updates

http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58364&highlight=SP2 :wink:

Yep, there’s a whole thread about it already.

XP came out a while ago for some, but if you are really impatient, search google and downlaod the full EXE instead of waiting for the AU version. While the AU version is smaller, you may have to wait a few days or so :slight_smile:

I missed them for sure

set sp2 on fire. kill it

The AU version was released on the 26th and you can order it now if you want instead of dlownloading it at: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/updates/sp2/cdorder/en_us/default810.mspx

I sent my order yesterday night.