I wanted to keep this on the downlow becuase i thot it whouldnt last.
Basicly ana broke up with me a week ago and I have been sad since, yesterday and today I have felt better becuzz me and her wer sorta working it out and maybe ganna get back to gather. today over AIM I ask if she wants to go the movies on wednesday… and it turns out she is starting to go out with a new guy name chris:(
I never been so sad be for 8 months of love,lust and releationship good times bad times great times… and now its all gone and i am never ganna get her back:(
If ya wanna make fun of me I dont care… 8 months with a girl could change your life this hurts more then the first girl friend and they say that hurts the most.
I am a very very very sansative guy i dont like to let people know this but on the inside i am a very calm guy, if people wanna fight me I just walk a way if some one hits me I tell lay off and i dont fight back.
And the number one think i look for in a girl is there smile. most people are looking for big boobs or ***, thats retarded i like to look thru people and ana was a head case and was mean to me her brother and her dad and i stell love her:( and i dont know what to do…
I dont know why i am posting this but it is kinda helping to vent and it gets to let people around me know a lot more about me but rember this is all whats goin on and if u dont care it dosnt matter this is vince venting time… thanks have a nice day and dont have a bad day over this read.
thanks for your time…
and there she is…