I GOT IN! w00t!

My FIRST design for threadless.com has been entered in the voting!! It took them DAYS to fiddle it in :beam:

I’m soo happy now :stuck_out_tongue:

dances around and yelling stuff

w00t, w00t, w00t!

Congratz dude! <:}

that sure is well-deserved! =)

[size=1]I tend to say that a lot, but I always mean it:)[/size]

So if you win do you get a free one?

If I win I get 3 free shirts, and a cash prize (not a big one tho, from what I’ve read…)

But I don’t care, it’s the privelige (sp?) of getting it printed and sold =)

Congrats! :slight_smile:
Which one is it? Can we see a preview?

Ugh, almost all those T-shirts are sold out! :angry:

look in the “score submissions” part, it’s on page one, the navy blur shirt with that white female face on it :slight_smile:

see my name too? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah, now I see. :slight_smile: Very cool design, well done!

nice Eilsoe. Not a bad image at all. Works well on a shirt.

personaly I want one of those navy blue shirts with the woman transitioning into a barcode. That’s really sweet too.

hehe, they ordered a reprint of those too :stuck_out_tongue:

It’ll be there soon again =)

Hmph, I still can’t even look at the site. Is there banner advertising or something on it? Because the Churchill firewall says it won’t display it. :frowning:

Congratulations though Eilsoe, I’ve seen the images in D&D and think they’re all great. :slight_smile:

cool man! Congratulations!

Congrats Eilsoe :beam: Any votes yet?

  • Soul :s:

Congrats Eilsoe, we should all go over and vote :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a plan: I will get my Net connection working at home, that way I can vote too. And order T-Shirts. As long as they do my size… :stuck_out_tongue:

cool, congrat

i gave it a 5

i cant view the site for some reason…

but im sure its great!