I got the job!


I Just reseived a phone call and now I am officialy an employe of the Kapiolani Web Development Team!!!

While this project doesent pay as much as my previous one, its much longer, at least until next summer. So I have a steady income until then! Plus this should be fun, this is my frist step in to working for an actualy company, not freelance work anymore!

I’l go get a beer.

Congrats :slight_smile: I’d bet nothing beats the stability offered by a longer-term employment.

Hey grab one beer for me! :wink:

way to go russian beer! :slight_smile:

Congrats dude…:slight_smile:

So whats your title at this job?

Hey! Thats amazing! Good job man. I know you will learn and prosper greatly from the job. Let us know how it goes.

Once again [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=4][FONT=arial]CONGRATS![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

Yeah… sniff

I wouldnt have been able to do it without you guys!!! :love:
about 6 months ago I cam here as an orphaned web designer, I was took in… and soon discovered a world of dorks and caffiene addiciton… god I love it, now I am finishing my second 2 000$ project and moving on to company work!! snif Thanks guys!

Congrats bradah! :wink: You got da kine! Hope you have fun :slight_smile:

Do they have a portfolio?

Thats some wonderfull news bro now go there and just learn as much as you can and if you get stuck on something remember to post questions well be here to help, well the others will since i suck at AS rotflmao

Congrats my little friend have a beer on me errr now that sounded gay ewwwwwwww

Kirupa, a contract for 30000000000000000000000$ beats that :stuck_out_tongue:

Congratulations russian beer! glad to hear that.

congratulatios! hope the job will remain interesting :stuck_out_tongue: