I'm So Freaking Happy!


I just got a new job… I’m going to be a flash programmer for The Map Network… it’s such a sweet job… I get to work with flash all the time, and it pays considerably more than anything I’ve done before…

This means that I can afford to take some classes I need to take for me to get back to MIT. Plus, that company is offering me a freelance job while I’m in school…

I had a bunch of problems, and they all just went away… Plus my bday is next week…
freaking sweet!


I thought you were in academic probation from MIT…I guess everything worked out for you and it?

Edit: [size=1]oh yeah, congrats on the job…[/size]

Nice man. You got it good. Don’t screw up.



congratulations and good luck with school.


Congratulations! :thumb:

What’s academic probation though? That doesn’t sound too good :-\

nice one m8…

keep up the good work…

bday prezzie is in the post


Congratulations man :beam:

And Happy Birthday for next week :thumb:

  • Soul :s:

Nice one. :slight_smile: I’m sure you’ll enjoy that. :slight_smile:

Oh, and I promise I’ll do some work on your sites soon. Honest Guv’nor. :beam:

thanks everyone!

and kit… now I have time to work on WRAF…

Good for you, that’s what work is for. :beam:

Great news! Have fun at the new Job. =)


This means that I can afford to take some classes I need to take for me to get back to MIT. Plus, that company is offering me a freelance job while I’m in school

that is sweeet, esp. that they’ll accomidate your other schedules :!:

you won’t see that too often

=) Congraduations


-Work hard-be smart-

Congratulation m8, thats a great news, Best of luck and m sure we ll b here to wish u HAPPY BIRTHDAY next week.=)