I have a BETTER FIX for the IE Embed/Object Problem

It is as simple as this:

In your head put:

[FONT=Courier]<!–[if IE]>
<script defer=“defer” src=“iefixes.js” type=“text/javascript”></script>


In ‘iefixes.js’ put:

[FONT=Courier]var objects = document.getElementsByTagName( ‘object’ );
for ( var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++ )
objects[ i ].outerHTML = objects[ i ].outerHTML;[/FONT]

yay! it is good because you just add code instead of changing existing code. and it works like a dream.

This might not work forever though - it could be construed as a bug :wink:

Well kirupa’s doesn’t work for me at all in FF… and for some clients it doesn’t work in IE at all either!

This one does.

Thats just the same as what MS says to do. Embed the objects using external js. All you did was check to see if the browser was IE. Whats so different about that? :huh:

^Probably to correct the errors people were getting with FF. This way it wont effect the regular FF people. I really dont know javascript though.