I have a Problem

I really like making site’s
I like Chalenging my self to make new and better site every time and improving my skills.

But here my problem.

I don’t have content. To put into my site’s. And redoing my ow portofolio 5 time’s a month isn’t fun ;(

So what do you want us to do?

Try and solve my problem. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hold on, let me go get my magic wand.

gives magic wand :beam:

takes magic wand, breaks it in half, and stomps on it


Why i oughta!

Seriously though T-O, why not just fill your sites with random stuff? Get your friends to write things for it. Just look at my site (Warning - this site is CRAP!). All the content is written by me and my friends, and it is all just random crap. We update it when we feel like it, and put on the site whatever we feel like having on the site. Its just fun. Why not see if your friends have anything they would like you to place on a website?

Too random isn’t fun though. A site has to have a purpose though, if you can’t think of a purpose, then just write about your works, like, a resume site or a portofolio site.


Why don’t you make a design company? That way you can design lots of sites for people and you don’t have to think of content either :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

Well ill help if its Flash.

Thats because I am quick in flash and still have goo site.

But if its HTML I will Take Out A New magic Wand And make Everyone Dissapear

*Originally posted by BullDog_Flash *
**Well ill help if its Flash.

Thats because I am quick in flash and still have goo site.

But if its HTML I will Take Out A New magic Wand And make Everyone Dissapear **
What are you talking about you freaky little man?

  • Soul :s:

The wound is comming out run everyone.

Ahh Where am I

wtf!? :sleep: