I’ve had the kind of day that only continues onto something like walking into an elevator that isn’t there and fallin to my death. So before that happens I need to write out my will and last testament.
I EthanM hereby leave…
My remaining mud mask to Kit.
The only thing I have in my fridge and cupboards to Rev (jar of peanut-butter and some seasoning)
My revised plans for a sub terranian evil fortress capable of creating sunamis and earthquakes using harnessed coldfusion reacotrs to Phil.
A patch/upgrade for Kirupa v2.0 to remove the unibrow from his program.
My heart for soul since his no longer works.
My My forum styles to Red since everyone uses hers anyway.
My pink underwear to Lost.
Any future ban that I would have gotten someday to Norie.
and a motion tween for all my fallen homies.
Oh and some man-to-man hugs for Fester.