I know iFrames are terrible, but... (iFrame problem)

I have no other option really at this point…

I don’t want to use the src=“whatever.jsp” part of the iFrame…

I want to have everything inside… at the moment I have

<style type="text/css">

    width: 275px;
    height: 425px;
    position: absolute;
    left: 250px;
    top: 66px;
    border: #000000 thin solid;
    background-image: url("${pageContext.request.contextPath}/images/bg.gif");
    z-index: 10000;


<script type='text/javascript' src='/imSmacklet/DWRIMManager/engine.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='/imSmacklet/DWRIMManager/util.js'></script>

<iframe id="chatSmacklet" class="mainIMSmacklet">

Now this part is working, I have a nice little iFrame, right where I want it on the page. the background is there, and to quote Borat, “is nice!!”

This is my problem, I want to put some stuff in here… nothing I put in, be it tags with text or simple tags, they don’t show up…

I can’t seem to find any reason why though… any ideas?

