Ive had days where Ive listened to the radio all day (working while doing so of course ;)) and I swear Ive heard one song at LEAST 5 times. Its insane. I feel sorry for the DJs who have to listen to the same things over and over again so much.
We had a GREAT alternative rock station, 100-X in town back when I was in highschool. It was the only station I listened to and our drafting teacher even let us listen to it in class. Not only was it in town, so there was great reception (harder to get the other major, more popular stations where I live) but they were actually BETTER than those pop high-time stations. Sadly, they went under and ended up being a country station - though it was one of the biggest country stations ever - froggy-100. They hit the country boom right on time and made it pretty big pretty quick (of course they are no more as of today - that station is an easy listening station now 100-the bay - and a good one at that too! funny how its always good at what it does but never keeps :-\ - well its good aside from the fact that they CONSTANTLY interupt about how oooo we’re the bay… ooo rock without the hard edge … oooo … this and that… ooo SHUT UP AND PLAY THAT GOOD MUSIC) …
ANYWAY, Im totally drifting off my point, which WAS the DJs from 100-X who were alternative-rock-pop guys ended up also being the DJs for froggy, meaning they had to go from alternative rock to country :!: :!: :!: poor souls. They said “When your jobs on the line, you learn to like country” And I ALMOST feel better for those guys because they are acustoming themselves into a whole new genre of music which is entirely new to them… something that, initially, they have no immediate appreciation for. But as Im sure all or most of you know, if you listen to a song you dont like, enough, you begin to like it - and these guys, in their position have it a little better because they have that extra tolerance - that extra step of not liking, then liking from listening it so much, to finally, not liking from overplaying/hearing (which by then there are new songs). For people who intitially like the music straight off, it gets old a lot quicker in hearing it so many times.
ok, so I completely ranted on there but… yeah :beam:
I know I’ve listened too long when you start singing along to adverts and when you learn the phone numbers on adverts and can’t help yourself from saying the phone numbers along with it! Arghh :bad: