Talk radio, blah

i can’t stand it. my little alarm clock radio went off this morning and somehow it got switched to this horrid station where this dork is droning on and on and on…
the only kind of talk i can stand is bubba the love sponge. (bostonians should know who that is). but that’s great comedy.

anyway. so the radio wouldnt shut off. just would not. so i killed it. with a pot. hmm. now i don’t have anything to wake up to. i guess i should have tried to unplug it. but darn it, i havent slept in 2 days, i’m caffineated up to the eyeballs, and it just stressed me out.

wheeew glad I dont have to wake up next to you every morning :sure:


nah, see, im quite pleasant when i wake up. its when i don’t wake up. cuz i didn’t sleep. thats when i get bad. :bad: